Monday, July 15, 2013

Why I Just Got Baptized

I'm really excited about my recent Baptism and just wanted to share about it.  Also, I've learned that you never know who will be inspired or who might hear from God through your story. I sure have found Him in some unexpected places.

When I was in High School, I had one of those "mountain top" moments and gave my life to Christ. I believed in Him with all my heart. But it seemed that as soon as I realized that MY way of living my life didn't really jive with His way, I ran in the other direction. But He never left me.
About two years ago, I went on a search for "more".  Things in my life that used to excite me, weren't exciting any more.  I knew I wasn't depressed or anything, but I just realized I wasn't finding joy in much of anything like I used to.  Very quickly, I realized that the "more" I was missing in my life was Jesus.  I went on a journey to find Him and what a wonderful journey it has been! 

One part of this journey was finding a church home.  I found one at The Crossing Church right after we moved back to Tampa. In attending an "Introduction to The Crossing" luncheon, I learned about Baptism as it is defined in the Bible.  I was Baptized as an infant, but learning about what it means as a Christian to publicly declare your choice to live for Him and be reborn in Christ weighed heavy on my heart at the time, but I felt I still had some work to do.  I wanted to make sure that I wasn't just having another "mountain top" moment.  I didn't want to publicly declare that I am a follower of Jesus, and then run in the other direction again.  I wanted it to really mean something when I got Baptized.
I thought that THIS time, it would be much easier.  After all, I wasn't into partying anymore, so how hard could it to be to walk with Him?  Well, this time it wasn't easy, despite my new, "better" lifestyle.  The Lord revealed  sins in my life that I didn't even know were there. He still is. Sometimes it's overwhelming and sometimes it's uncomfortable.  But most of what I have found in Him is exhilarating and beautiful. 
Through all of this, Jesus became my friend for the first time.  In that friendship, I found that I didn't want to run, I wanted to grow.  My heart has been forever changed.  The old me has died and the new me has risen and therefore being Baptised means everything.  It means much more to me than I ever dreamed it would.
My Life Group leaders (and friends) Erin and Mickey Arruda Baptized me in their pool last night as I was surrounded by family and friends and the Holy Spirit.  I won't ever forget it for the rest of my life.  Thanks again to all who were there in presence, prayer, and spirit!

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