Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Family Update March 2013 - It's a BIG One

In the 7 years that Jonathon and I have known each other, the big changes in our lives have never ceased. We've moved 6 times, two of those were fixer uppers, and another two were to another state, had 4 job changes, got engaged, got married, and had a baby. It's always something.  And just when we thought 2013 would be our "settle down" year... BAM.

Let's start with the "little" things...

We have a walker! Berkley started taking a few steps at the end of February but only if we coaxed her with Peanut Butter Toast Crunch.  Now, she walks more than crawls.

She also says "mama", "daddy", and "oggy" (doggy).  She has decided that she HATES getting her diaper changed, but has also become very affectionate, giving lots of hugs and kisses.  She prefers to be held more than any other activity and loves being outdoors.  She loves any book that has things she can touch or play with.  She is still sleeping 12-13 hours per night which makes us love her that much more!  Here she is telling me that she's "all done" (sign language) with her breakfast which usually just means "mommy, please hold me while I eat the rest".

Friends and family have asked us if we are thinking about baby #2.  We do think about it.  I probably think about it more than Jonathon does, but am definitely not ready.  I'm really enjoying Berkley and want to keep on enjoying only her for a little while longer.  I'm soaking up all this precious time with her. I mean, who wouldn't want to devote all of their love and attention to this for as long as they can???

Jonathon's best friend Kevin came in town, so we took the boat out.  I wish I had a picture of Jonathon and Kevin, but I only have this one from our boat outing.  I vow to get better about taking pictures of the things we do.

We love Kevin and it's always so nice when he comes to visit.  And I'm not just saying that because he helped Jonathon paint the house.

Also shown above... we have grass!  Yay!  Our neighbors are starting to get happier with us.  Jonathon received a few car horn honks and "thumbs ups" from passers-by while he painted.

Here's a VERY quick tour of what was done prior to this month in case anyone is interested.  I'll probably do another post of before/after pictures later on.

Speaking of the Hathorn House, the addition is coming along.  Jonathon worked extra hard this month to get the framing, roof, plumbing etc. on the addition to the master bedroom.  Here it is from the inside:

The partition on the right is obviously the bathroom and the left is the monster sized closet.  Here's a better pic of that part:

Here we are the day before Easter.  We went to church, then had dinner with our Life Group.  If I had thought about it, I would have gotten a picture of everyone.  Oh well. And sorry for the blur.


And for the biggest news... Jonathon decided to resign from his position as Project Manager for Venture Construction and pursue self employment.  When he called me a few days ago to get my blessing before handing in his notice, I said "of course it's fine with me, but how about you spend a little time in prayer first." "I already have," he said and there was nothing left for me to say than "Ok, do it." I have absolute faith that this was the right decision for us, and I can't wait to see what God has in store for our family.

Jonathon's final day with Venture will be April 12th and we leave for our belated honeymoon to Australia on the 26th. The goal is to have a plan for his next steps by the time we get back.

I couldn't be more proud to have a husband that I never have to worry about when it comes to providing for us.  He's a hard worker, a self starter, and more motivated than I'll ever be. God is going to do great work with his hands.  I know it!

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